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Holiday Street Photography – Night Photography

Let’s keep that Holiday spirit alive.. We’ll meet at Shelby’s bar then walk down 16th St. , then the city building then back up to 16th St. To the clock tower. We can also take the bus to union station.

My experience in the past is we will tend to break up into small groups and photograph whatever catches our eyes. Dress warmly, hat, gloves, warm shoes, etc. Sometimes it’s warm out there but the temperature drops quickly on Dec. nights…better to be prepared. Bring a tripod or monopod if you have them, most exposures will be too long to hand hold. Cable release or self timer as well

We always seem to have lots of fun with this subject. Anyone interested in some food, libations and laughs afterwards should plan at stopping at the Thirsty Lion near Union Station. If you are running late, are lost, etc. my cell phone:[masked].

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