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Join Walking Inspiritus for a Nature-based Walking Meditation! These guided weekly walking meditations reflect on Sacred Creation as a mirror to our inner life. We reflect on the changing Seasons, the movements of Nature, the creative energy of the Earth, and the Force of Life that unites all things. Readings from different traditions as well as poems, times for reflection, and walking in silence as prayer, move us into becoming Beings of Compassion.

Walking Movement Leader: Maria Rosa Galter, a Walk2Connect Member-Owner, invites you to experience the benefits of walking as a spiritual practice through these weekly guided contemplative walks. Maria, a graduate of Benedictine Spiritual Formation Program and the Bovine Metropolis Theater School of Improv, is an avid hiker who loves to correlate improv, life, and spirituality. She explores those spaces in her organization, Walking Inspiritus, and focus on expansive, playful, intentional, and creative ways to re”member” ourselves and be present to ourselves, each other, and our vast world of transcendent beauty.

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