September 2019

Real Estate Agent Market Update – Evergreen – Golden – Denver Foothills

2020-01-30T11:02:28-07:00By |Denver, Denver Foothills, Evergreen, Golden, Golden CO, Home Value, Real Estate, Real Estate Agents, Real Estate Market, Selling your home|

The chart of the entire Denver MLS below tells us the same story the real estate market has told for a few years now. Real estate agents across the state has seen a crazy sell off over the last week. The market is still leaning a bit towards the seller's side. The market is still very healthy and seems to be holding value and the sellers seem to be seeing an easy sell. Buyers are not being pushed around too much as you can see by the number of price deceases across the entire MLS. There was a time that you saw very little need for sellers to adjust the price of their listing. There was such a furry of selling that the sellers could pretty much set their price and sit back and wait for the offers to roll in. Those days are pretty much gone but it is still pretty easy to sell a home anywhere in Colorado in a short amount of time.

March 2019

Home Loan Mortgage Lenders Evergreen, Conifer, Golden, Denver and Foothills

2024-07-15T08:11:10-06:00By |Buyers, Buying a home, Colorado, Conifer, Denver, Denver Foothills, Evergreen, Golden CO, Kate Higgins, Lenders, Lisa Marie Schwartz, LIttleton, Mike Sadowski, Real Estate|

Finding the Right Mortgage Company for Your Home Loan Finding a mortgage company and lender for your home loan that will lend on a mountain home in the Denver Foothills is sometimes challenging. It seems like there are national mortgage companies that are afraid to lend on a home in the mountains. They see the wildfires on the news and think the entire state is on fire. The truth is we rarely lose a structure from a wildfire. Some mortgage companies just don't understand this fact.