
Indoor mask requirements in schools and other protocols will be revisited throughout the school year, especially if cases in the county are near or below 35 per 100,000 over a 7-day period ( see CDPHE guidelines ), and/or vaccinations become available for students age 11 and under, and quarantine requirements by J efferson County Public Health (JCPH) are relaxed. Masks are strongly recommended for students ages 12+ when indoors at school. Requests for mask exemptions (religious or medical) will be submitted by families through a technical solution.

  • Masks are required for ages 3-11 when indoors at school.

    Note: Indoor mask requirements in schools and other protocols will be revisited throughout the school year, especially if cases in the county are near or below 35 per 100,000 over a 7-day period (see CDPHE guidelines), and/or vaccinations become available for students age 11 and under, and/or quarantine requirements by Jefferson County Public Health (JCPH) are relaxed.

  • Masks are strongly recommended for students ages 12+ when indoors at school.
  • Masks are required for unvaccinated staff – proof of vaccination status must be provided to the district.
  • Masks are required for any visitors or volunteers while in our district buildings (see below for more details).
  • Masks are welcome for anyone in the district.
  • Masks are required on all Jeffco school buses – to and from school and on all field trips. Masking on public transportation is a Federal requirement, including school buses. Please see this federal order for more details.
  • Requests for mask exemptions (religious or medical) will be submitted by families through a technical solution under development. Families will be notified when the system is live – coming soon.
    • Medical exemptions will be requested through the technical solution and require a statement on a licensed medical provider’s letterhead/form and include the following:
      • Printed name, license number, address, phone number, and signature of a medical provider with prescriptive authority (e.g., an MD, DO, NP, PA, or Psychiatrist);
      • Identification of the medical, mental health, or other condition/disability that prevents the student from wearing a mask, and any alternative to a mask if necessary;
    • Religious exemptions will be requested by parents/guardians through the technical solution.
    • A conditional exemption will be generated immediately upon submission, pending a review of the request. Applications deemed to be incomplete will be denied exemptions. 
  • Even though CDPHE School Guidance states school districts do not need to quarantine on an individual case scenario in a “normal” classroom environment, JCPH has indicated that they will not follow this guidance and will impose broader quarantines under independent legal authority. see footnote
  • Quarantines will NOT be issued from schools this year. No quarantine letters will be issued from schools. JCPH will make quarantine decisions and notify families of any COVID quarantine requirements, while also notifying the school.
  • In the event of a positive COVID case at school, schools will issue a letter notifying parents that a positive individual was in their student’s class and that JCPH will notify the families (most likely via email) IF they are required to quarantine. In the meantime, healthy students without symptoms are welcome to come to school.
  • Students may attend school unless JCPH contacts them and requires them to quarantine. JCPH will contact the families of those who need to quarantine based on contact tracing provided by school admin teams. Details of this operation:
    • School admin team and the school nurse will collaborate and complete the contact tracing to determine who was a close contact of the positive individual.
      • Close contact is defined as:
        • Within 3 feet of the positive individual’s communicable time period for 15 minutes or longer within a 24 hour period. Communicable time period is defined as the contagious time period which is the first day of symptoms plus 48 hours prior for a symptomatic individual OR the day of testing for an asymptomatic individual plus 48 hours prior.
        • NOTE: Students who are masked or who are vaccinated are NOT considered close contacts and will NOT be considered for quarantine by JCPH. Schools are encouraged to pay attention to which students normally wear masks. This can be done on seating charts, or by teachers in another way as determined by the school. Students can also self report their mask wearing activity in the event of contact tracing. Again, any students who are vaccinated, or who are wearing a mask at the time of exposure to a positive case, will NOT be considered a close contact and that student’s name will NOT be submitted to JCPH for quarantine consideration. Note: Jeffco Public Schools is required by law to submit student contact information to JCPH for exposure to any communicable disease in a school setting – per C.R.S 6 CCR 1009-1 Reg #2
    • School Nurses will report to JCPH each individual who is determined to be in close contact with the positive individual. Close contacts are individuals who are exposed to a positive case for a cumulative 15 minute period over 24 hours who are unmasked and unvaccinated. Again, individuals who are vaccinated or wearing a mask at the time of exposure are not considered close contacts and will not be included in the close contact form that is sent to JCPH. JCPH will follow-up with school nurses to notify who was quarantined.
  • Quarantines will NOT be issued by JCPH IF close contacts to positive individuals are either masked or vaccinated.
  • All quarantined staff and students will quarantine for 10 days. They are eligible for shortened quarantine periods per JCPH:
    • Must complete 7 days and return to school and activities on day 8 IF:
      • COVID PCR or rapid antigen test is negative at day 5, 6, or 7 post exposure date AND symptom-free
  • For quarantined students, learning will continue from home. Access to technology platforms will be available to post assignments or make-up work may be picked up at the school by the family. Work will be provided to the student as it is in the case of any prolonged absence from school.
    • Quarantined students should be coded within Infinite Campus as an “excused absence,” code EXC on this list.
    • Cross reference policy (JH-R), students should have two days to make up work for each day absent.
      • Policy language: “Makeup work should reflect class assignments missed during the absence, and a reasonable amount of time should be allowed for work completion. Time allowed to make up work is twice the number of classes or days missed (two days allowed for makeup work for each day of absence); however, an extension of this time limit may be approved by the school administration. Students who complete makeup work within the required timeline will receive full academic credit earned for the makeup work”
  • Reference: Criteria that JCPH will utilize for quarantines is based on CDPHE’s School Guidance document called Who Needs to Quarantine.
  • Vaccines are currently not required for staff or students. The district supports and encourages the COVID vaccine for ages 12+. CDPHE anticipates the COVID vaccine for ages 5-11 to be available early October 2021.
  • We will continue to send information to our community regarding COVID vaccine opportunities. Find current COVID vaccine providers.
  • We strongly encourage families to share student COVID vaccination status with school office staff, either by email or in person. Nurses will upload COVID vaccine information to Infinite Campus. Families may also email a copy of a student’s COVID vaccine card to DLCOVIDQuarantine@jeffco.k12.co.us.
  • All Jeffco staff are required to report their vaccination status by August 16.
    • Unvaccinated staff are required to wear masks.
    • Sharing vaccination status is NOT a HIPAA violation – please refer to this article for a better understanding.

Testing is strongly recommended for anyone who is not COVID vaccinated and experiencing COVID-like symptoms – new onset of cough, fever, sore throat, chills, body aches, nausea and/or diarrhea. See all COVID testing sites in Colorado.

  • Continue to isolate – stay home and do not come back to school until fever-free for 24 hrs, AND other symptoms have improved, AND it has been at least 10 days from the time of exposure.
  • Schools will assist Jefferson County Public Health (JCPH) in identifying close contacts who may need to quarantine. JCPH will notify students directly. Positive cases and quarantining information will NO LONGER come from the schools.
  • All outbreak responses will be led by JCPH with consultation and support from CDPHE.
  • When an outbreak is confirmed that affects multiple classrooms/individuals, JPS Health Services will work with JCPH to determine what additional mitigation strategies may be necessary (masking, contact tracing, quarantine of close contacts, weekly testing, and/or distancing). Shifting to remote learning or school closures will be rare and considered only in exceptional circumstances. CDPHE slides
  • Outbreak definition:
    • “Five or more cases of COVID-19, of which at least one case has had a positive molecular amplification test or antigen test, among students/teachers/staff from separate households with onset within 14 days in a single classroom/activity or other close contact in the school setting (including transportation to-/from- school and affiliated events).” CDPHE Outbreak definition

Stay at home! We encourage families and staff to call their medical provider. If symptoms have not improved after 48 hours, please notify the school and the school nurse will follow up with you. See CDPHE’s Return to Learn guidance.


We will continue to support these students in our Medical Safe Rooms and send them home if presenting with COVID-like symptoms. 

  • Please self-screen at home prior to the school day using this tool. DO NOT come to school if you are experiencing any COVID-like symptoms: new onset of cough, fever, sore throat, chills, body aches, headaches, and/or nausea/vomiting/diarrhea.
  • If you have a question regarding the need to test, please contact your medical provider.
  • We will continue to clean and disinfect high touchpoints throughout the school buildings as often as possible.
  • Drinking fountains back to regular operation.

We will continue to encourage hand washing throughout the school day and will provide scheduled time for this as much as possible.  

  • In grades 6-12 only, every classroom will maintain a seating chart for tracing purposes. Seating charts are not required for elementary classrooms because masks are required.
  • Middle school lunches – Schools are encouraged to allow students to eat outside if supervision availability and weather permit. If indoor lunch is longer than 15 minutes and students are closer than 3 feet, schools will create seating charts. No seating chart is needed if students eat lunch for less than 15 minutes or are 3 feet from each other.
  • High school lunches – Students will be encouraged to eat outdoors. No seating charts are required and students will be encouraged to sit 3 feet apart.
  • Grades 6-12 only – Schools are encouraged to attend to which students normally wear masks. This can be done on a teacher’s seating chart, or by teachers in another way as determined by the school. Students can also self-report their mask-wearing activity in the event of contact tracing. In the event that there is a positive case in a classroom, the school should be ready to identify, to the best of their ability, students who have been masked or unmasked. Any students who have a vaccination record with the state (nurses have access to this information and look it up in the state system when necessary), or who are wearing a mask at the time of exposure to a positive case, will NOT be considered a close contact and therefore will not be considered for quarantine by JCPH. The district realizes that this will not be a perfect process and the expectation is that schools do the best they can with this process. Note: Jeffco Public Schools is required by law to submit student contact information to JCPH for exposure to any communicable disease in a school setting – per C.R.S 6 CCR 1009-1 Reg #2.
  • Grades 6-12 only – Seating charts are highly recommended whenever possible in higher-risk classroom activities – PE, band, choir, and other electives. If it is possible to group students together in small groups, try to make smaller groups so fewer students are at risk of quarantine. Also, try to separate these students to 3 feet or greater. Outdoor lessons are also strongly encouraged for classes where it is appropriate and when weather allows.
  • Elementary electives – Seating charts are highly recommended for any elementary band, orchestra, or choir class where masks may be removed. Outdoor lessons are also strongly encouraged for all of these classes where it is appropriate and when weather allows.
  • Elementary lunches – If lunch is longer than 15 minutes, schools must create a seating chart. No seating chart is needed if students eat 3 feet away from each other. If there is an opportunity to eat outside, that is best. Students do NOT need to face the same direction.

All grade levels – Schools and classes will not require students to remain in cohorts.


All grade levels – no distancing requirements;  however, if desks and spacing in classrooms can be 3 feet, schools should try to accomplish this.


Resume to pre-pandemic. No one-way hallways. Lockers are usable.


The district is currently in the process of determining the protocol for collecting substitute vaccination status and sharing that with schools where those substitutes accept a position. Please stay tuned for more information soon.

  • COVID Response – Indoor Air Quality from Facilities 2021-22 school year update:
    • Continue using 100% fresh air to ventilate when outside air temps are pleasant.
    • Continue increased fresh air ratios when outside air must be conditioned.
    • Continue to run fans before and after school to flush our buildings.
    • Continue using the more efficient air filters.
    • Continue to sample CO2 levels in classrooms across the district.
    • Continue to monitor new technologies and guidelines for Indoor Air Quality.
    • Explore possible installation of Ultraviolet Air Disinfection equipment inside of HVAC equipment across the district and/or other HVAC upgrades to support healthy learning environments.
  • Visitors (family and/or community members) will be welcomed to our schools and district facilities. Visitors should engage in self-screening at home before entering a Jeffco Public Schools building, and follow any health protocols that may be in place.
  • All visitors are required to wear a mask while indoors. Visitors are not required to wear masks outdoors. Note: Indoor mask requirements in schools will be revisited throughout the school year, especially if cases in the county are near or below 35 per 100,000 over a 7-day period (CDPHE guidelines), and/or vaccinations become available for students age 11 and under, and/or quarantine requirements by Jefferson County Public Health (JCPH) are relaxed.
  • Visitors must also adhere to school and building entry protocols (i.e., signing in/out, wearing a nametag, etc.)
  • For other Jeffco staff (facilities/Ed Center) AND student teachers, interns/residents visiting a school building – if unvaccinated, must wear a mask.
  • Jeffco Public Schools will welcome volunteers in our schools and district facilities. Volunteers should engage in self-screening at home before entering a Jeffco Public Schools building, and follow any health protocols in place.
  • All volunteers are required to wear a mask while indoors. Volunteers are not required to wear masks outdoors. Note: Indoor mask requirements in schools will be revisited throughout the school year, especially if cases in the county are near or below 35 per 100,000 over a 7-day period (CDPHE guidelines), and/or vaccinations become available for students age 11 and under, and/or quarantine requirements by Jefferson County Public Health (JCPH) are relaxed.
  • Volunteers must also complete any required volunteer training provided by a school, and adhere to school and building entry protocols (i.e., signing in/out, wearing a nametag, etc.)

Continue to provide free breakfasts and lunches for all students because of additional federal funding for school year 2021-22.

  • Will resume. Ages 3-11 masks required. Ages 12+ masks recommended. If field trips are outside, masks are not required. Masks required on buses.
  • Overnight student field trips may resume 4 students/room. Masks required on buses or public transportation.
  • Will resume. CHSAA sanctioned activities/athletics will revert back to Fall, Winter, & Spring seasons for the 2021-2022 school year.
  • If a Student-Athlete has tested positive for Covid-19 and has not completed the return-to-play protocol with their school’s athletic trainer, they are encouraged to do so as soon as possible. Beginning the return-to-play process soon will prevent any delay in the student’s ability to begin participating with his/her team. Check with the Athletic Director if you have questions.
  • Masks not required outdoors. Masks strongly recommended for unvaccinated student-athletes while indoors at school.
  • All coaches and sponsors, as part of our staff, are required to report their vaccination status to ESS. If they are unvaccinated, they are required to wear a mask indoors.
  • Athletic and activity overnight travel returns to normal. Masks are required on buses. Resume 4 students to a room. Coaches and sponsors will ensure that student-athletes and activity participants symptom screen before any overnight travel and not attend if exhibiting symptoms.
  • All spectators watching games indoors will be required to wear masks, even if vaccinated. This is in alignment with the district’s school day, visitor expectations. This includes student spectators to indoor athletic events. Unvaccinated players on both teams are strongly encouraged to wear masks. Note: Indoor mask requirements in schools will be revisited throughout the school year, especially if cases in the county are near or below 35 per 100,000 over a 7-day period (CDPHE guidelines), and/or vaccinations become available for students age 11 and under, and/or quarantine requirements by Jefferson County Public Health (JCPH) are relaxed.
  • All spectators watching games outdoors are not required to wear masks.
  • Masks are not required for outdoor school-sponsored activities.
  • All student-athletes are subject to quarantine if they are a close contact of a positive individual and they are unvaccinated and not wearing a mask. Same protocol as students in classrooms.
  • Will resume to pre-COVID with safety measures in place given the residential nature of Outdoor Lab.
  • Because of the residential nature of OELS, unvaccinated 6th-grade students are required to COVID test 72 hours prior to Monday morning check-in for traveling to OELS.
    • COVID warehouse will deliver BinaxNow tests to all schools with 6th grade attending OELS for fall semester. Schools will distribute the at-home BinaxNow tests to students on the Friday before OELS. We will also accept PCR tests or other antigen rapid test results.
    • Once 6th graders are 12 and vaccine eligible, OR once the vaccine is available for 11 and under and 6th graders are vaccinated, then a vaccination can be sufficient and a negative test will not be required.
  • OELS high school leaders and interns – if unvaccinated, will also require a negative COVID test 72 hours prior to Monday morning departure.
  • Masks are required on all Jeffco school buses – to and from school and on all field trips. Masking on public transportation is a Federal requirement, including school buses. Please see this federal order for more details.
  • Because of the testing or vaccination status requirement – masks will not be required at Outdoor Lab, allowing for a residential experience (e.g. sleeping in large groups within one bunkhouse).
  • Before/After school programs and activities resume to pre-pandemic. Masks required for ages 3-11 and recommended for ages 12+. Note: Indoor mask requirements in schools will be revisited throughout the school year, especially if cases in the county are near or below 35 per 100,000 over a 7-day period (CDPHE guidelines), and/or vaccinations become available for students age 11 and under, and/or quarantine requirements by Jefferson County Public Health (JCPH) are relaxed.
  • Jeffco School Age Enrichment (SAE) will continue to serve elementary students for before and after-school child care this year. Find program information.
  • Schools are strongly encouraged to host large-scale student events and assemblies outdoors.
  • If an assembly or large-scale student event is held indoors and a positive case occurs, schools will exercise contact tracing.
  • In-person conferences are allowed, but virtual options may be provided as needed.
  • Parents should engage in home health screening before entering a Jeffco Public Schools building.
  • Masks required for parents/legal guardians – all visitors attending conferences or school events.
  • Parents must adhere to school and building entry protocols like signing in/out, wearing a nametag, etc.

August 2021 Music Considerations

  • The Jeffco Schools Foundation still has capacity to support families needing at-home internet. Families must be eligible for the Comcast Internet Essentials program and should work with their school to get a code to apply.
  • The district will provide hotspots to schools, as well, to distribute for students to use for short-term emergency needs. Families should contact their schools for support with internet issues.

This fall, an external JeffcoHelp support portal will replace the Student, Family, and Community Technical Resources page on the public website. Any department can use this portal to provide self-help information for our families and community.