It’s time for our summer real estate news wrap up. As Jimmy Buffett once wrote in one of less popular songs “They’re closing down the hangouts, the air is turning cool, their shutting down the super slide, the kids are back in school”. That is exactly where we’re at right now. The summer is wrapping up and even though Colorado hasn’t seen a much downturn in sales in what has historically been the “off season” it is important to say we will see a bit of slow down in the next couple months. In the cooler months we do see a bit of a tapering of sales and listings.

Entire Denver MLS

Summer 2019

Entire Denver MLS

This is numbers across the entire MLS for the summer of 2019. The market had a great deal of movement. Almost the same as it saw in the previous summer. As you can see August we are only a couple weeks into August at the time of publishing this post.

Summer 2018

There year before the Denver real estate market saw a great summer. Many real estate agents thought things would need to slow down. If you look at 2019 the numbers are pretty close to the summer of 2018. The market looks as if it may see a little lower August but that won’t hurt the numbers much.

Bringing the market to a more micro level within the Denver MLS to focus on only Evergreen, Conifer, Bailey, Morrison and Golden in the Denver Foothills we see about the same story and the macro data. The market has seen a slight but not noticeable decline in the number of units sold. We have also noticed less multiple offers here on the ground and appreciation not at the pace of the previous year.

Denver Foothills Sales 2019

Denver Foothills Summer Sales 2019

Denver Foothills Sales 2018

Denver Foothills Summer Sales 2018

All and all the real estate market in Denver and across Colorado is showing yet another fantastic summer to assure home prices stay stable. Going into the fall it seems there really isn’t a sign of a slowdown. At least not here at the best real estate company in Evergreen, Orson Hill Realty.